Lufthansa hails latency benefits of private 5G

IT Consultant Lufthansa
INTERVIEW: Claudius Noack, IT consultant at Lufthansa Industry Solutions, highlighted the importance of private 5G for various use cases, claiming the technology offered much-needed benefits including low latency and high-quality data transfers.
Giving an example of use cases in industries, Noack explained a private 5G network proved more reliable for virtual table inspections compared with Wi-Fi, as its low latency meant there was no connection loss when streaming video to customers.
“With Wi-Fi we had drops like a second in latency, and you cannot have those drops when you’re talking about millimetre scratches, when it’s about millions of euros for a specific part, so they’re very costly, you just cannot afford those drops in your latency, in your bandwidth or in your quality of the video stream”.
Lufthansa also unveiled plans to implement the technology in other use cases as it worked better than previous networks it used, including public 4G and Wi-Fi. Those include location tracking of devices and reducing power consumed by end devices through the use of 5G NR Light.
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